“Nearness to nature keeps the spirit sensitive to impressions not commonly felt, and in touch with unseen powers.”

Charles Alexander Eastman

I’ve spent most of my professional career creating images from words, earning my living as a writer. It seems fitting that the second half of my professional life should be a literal reversal. Instead of using words to create a sense of place and being, I use images to recreate that same space.

Before I picked up a tube of paint and attempted to translate a sense of place into a two dimensional plane, I really believed roads were black, trees were green and the sky was blue. Discovering the true color in a scene is akin to magic. It is as close to donning a pair of “rose colored glasses” as we are likely to get. Once discovered, the magic transforms your visual plane forever, and every moment of seeing becomes a treasure hunt for color.

Artists I’ve studied with:
James Coe
Peggy Everett
Carol Maguire
Loraine Chapin